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So far webmaster has created 36 blog entries.

Who is this a “win” for?


Who is this a “win” for? From our friends over at Business Insurance WORKERS COMP 10/14/2015 10:43 am Court rules worker who slipped and fell on ice should have seen it coming. By Stephanie Goldberg Coverage Disputes Employment Practices Workers Comp Coverage Workers Comp Disability Claims Disputes General liability Slip-and-Fall Ice Injury. A [...]

Who is this a “win” for?2017-02-07T18:24:58+00:00

Telephonic Triage for the Workplace


Telephonic Triage for the Workplace Regardless of how robust your company’s safety program is, workplace injuries still do occur. Although companies strive for “Zero Injury Days”, it is human nature that things happen to cause injuries in the workplace. Despite your Safety Director’s First Aid certification and rudimentary medical training, many employees do [...]

Telephonic Triage for the Workplace2017-02-07T18:44:01+00:00

The Benefits of an Effective Telephonic Triage Provider


The Benefits of an Effective Telephonic Triage Provider Having the right telephone nurse triage provider can make the difference between saving your company hundreds of dollars, or THOUSANDS of dollars each year. With an experienced triage service, the company will see reduced medical costs, less liability for medical decisions, protection or even lowering [...]

The Benefits of an Effective Telephonic Triage Provider2017-02-07T19:18:50+00:00

up, uP, UP and away!!!!!


up, uP, UP and away!!!!!From our friends at Business InsuranceWORKERS COMP9/16/2015 11:04 amCalifornia workers comp premiums up 9%By Sheena HarrisonCalifornia workers compensation written premiums increased 9% year-over-year to $8.9 billion in the first half of 2015, according the California Workers’ Compensation Insurance Rating Bureau.Meanwhile, workers comp combined ratios have continued to fall in [...]

up, uP, UP and away!!!!!2017-02-07T19:20:02+00:00

Telephonic Nurse Triage: An Overview


Telephonic Nurse Triage: An OverviewThe telephonic nurse triage industry has been around for nearly 20 years, and has a tried and true track record of reducing work comp costs and getting injured employees to the appropriate level of care. This service started out as an offering to large corporations, but has slowly trickled [...]

Telephonic Nurse Triage: An Overview2017-02-07T19:22:23+00:00

A great article on why nurse triage services are so important


A great article on why nurse triage services are so important Injury Report Lag Time Remains a Challenge A recent study published by NCCI serves as a stern reminder of the link between accident report lag time and higher workers’ comp claims costs. By: Roberto Ceniceros | August 19, 2015 Topics: WC [...]

A great article on why nurse triage services are so important2017-02-07T19:23:33+00:00

Emergency Care Vs. Urgent Care


Emergency Care Vs. Urgent Care Deadly emergencies, such as a cardiovascular events or a serious head injury, require a check out to the Emergency Department (also frequently referred to as the Emergency clinic (ER) at medical facilities). Urgent Care centers are setup to aid patients with a health problem or injury that [...]

Emergency Care Vs. Urgent Care2017-02-07T19:24:35+00:00

TriageNow gives back…


TriageNow gives back… TriageNow participated in another community service project, this time with the “Feed My Starving Children” program. Phoenix is the home of a full time program office for FMSC, and they have sent food boxes to over 70 countries around the world.  We were proud to step up and assist in [...]

TriageNow gives back…2017-02-07T19:32:28+00:00

Top 40 Red Flags for WC Fraud


Top 40 Red Flags for WC Fraud Top 40 Red Flags which May Indicate Workers’ Compensation Fraud 06 Aug 2010 Scott Fulmer Claims adjusters look for the presence of red flags in workers’ compensation (WC) claims to determine whether or not a claim is legitimate.  Red flags consist of particular conditions or [...]

Top 40 Red Flags for WC Fraud2017-02-07T19:49:43+00:00

More reason to have TriageNow do it for you…


More reason to have TriageNow do it for you… WORKERS COMP 7/29/2015 OSHA proposes tightening injury record-keeping rules By Stephanie Goldberg The U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration has issued a notice of proposed rulemaking to clarify that employers have continuing obligations to keep and maintain accurate injury and illness records. In [...]

More reason to have TriageNow do it for you…2017-02-07T19:51:04+00:00
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