Reduce Claims by 40% or more!

Workplace injuries are a multilayered problem to deal with; not only is the employee care a top priority, but there are other things to consider as well.  TriageNow helps you in every aspect of this, including removing the liability of the Supervisor making medical decisions out of the equation.  Additionally, having one of our nurses determine if someone needs to go to a clinic will not only save time for the employee, but reduce expenses associated with unnecessary clinic visits and overall claims in general.

By guiding an injured employee with a minor injury to homecare or First Aid, we can greatly reduce the number of claims your company will experience throughout the year.  This will:

  • Reduce your overall number of Work Comp claims
  • Contain or lower your E-mod rating
  • Greatly reduce the frequency of minor injury claims
  • Possibly lower your company’s overall work comp policy costs

Take advantage of our ROI Projection Report service that will show you in your company’s numbers what the impact we think will be.  It’s FREE and makes it easy to determine if this service is a good fit for your company.  Contact us to get the process started!

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